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M. Tapiolas, Dianne
M.R., Roziawati
Madduppa, Hawis (Indonesia)
Madduppa, Hawis H, Department of Marine Science and Technology, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Mahadi, Abdul Hanif
Mahadi, Nor-Muhammad, Malaysia Genome Institute
Maharani, Afrilia Putri, Faculty Fisheries and Marine Science, Jenderal Soedirman University
Mahardika, Vania, Department of Aquatic Product Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University (Indonesia)
Mahsunah, Anis Herliyani, Biotech Center BPPT, PUSPIPTEK Serpong Tangerang Selatan Banten
Mandeno, Jefri Anthonius, Aquatic Product Processing and Storage, Department Fisheries and Marine Technology, Politeknik Negeri Nusa Utara (Indonesia)
Mangunwardoyo, Wibowo (Indonesia)
Mansor, Azlina
Manulang, Martua
Marasskuranto, Endar, 1Research and Development Center for Marine and Fisheries Product Competitiveness and Biotechnology, Jakarta (Indonesia)
Mardiyana, Indri, Research Center Marine and Land Bioindustry, National Research and Innovation Agency, Teluk Kodek Village, Kec, Pemenang, North Lombok, NTB, Indonesia 83352 (Indonesia)
Marraskuranto, Endar, 1. Biotechnology Study Program, Postgraduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Teknika Utara, Sleman, DI Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2. Research and Development Center for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and Biotechnology, Jakarta, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Marraskuranto, Endar
Marraskuranto, Endar (Indonesia)
Marraskuranto, Endar, Research Center for Marine and Land Bioindustry, National Research and Innovation Agency
Marraskuranto, Endar, Research and Development Center for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and Biotechnology, Jalan KS. Tubun Petamburan VI, Slipi, Jakarta Pusat 10260, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Marsella, Seruni (Indonesia)
Martosuyono, Pujoyuwono, Research and Development Center for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and Biotechnology
Martosuyono, Pujoyuwono, Research and Development Center for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and Biotechnology (Indonesia)
Maryati, Yati, Research Center for Chemistry, National Research and Innovation Agency, KST BJ Habibie, South Tagerang 15314, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Mat-Sharani, Shuhaila, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia)
Maulidia, Faiqoh Nur, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) (Indonesia)
McCauley, Erin, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, California State University Dominguez Hill, 1000 E. Victoria Street, Carson, California, USA 90747 (United States)
Md Noordin, Wan Norhana, Fisheries Research Institute, 11960, Batu Maung, Penang, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Medani, Della Indah
Meinita, Maria Dyah Nur, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, 53123, Indonesia. Center for Maritime Bioscience Studies, Institute of Research and Community Service, 53123, Jenderal Soedirman University
Melanie, Hakiki, Research Center for Chemistry, National Research and Innovation Agency, KST BJ Habibie, South Tagerang 15314, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Melanie, Susiana, Research and Development Center for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and Biotechnology (Indonesia)
Merdekawati, Windu, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (Indonesia)
Meryandini, Anja
Moeis, Maelita Ramdani, School of Life Science and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) (Indonesia)
Mohammad Noor, Normawaty, Department of Chemistry, Kulliyyah of Science, International Islamic University Malaysia, 25200 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Mohammad-Noor, Normawaty
Mohd Azam, Nurul Shahirah (Malaysia)
Moon, Il So, Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Dongguk University, Gyeongju, 38066, Korea.
Mubarik, Nisa Rachmania, IPB
Mubarik, Nisa Rachmania, Bogor Agricultural University (Indonesia)
Muljanah, Ijah, Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pengolahan Produk dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan (Indonesia)
Muljanah, Ijah, Research and Development Center for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and Biotechnology (Indonesia)
Mulyani, Hani, Research Center for Chemistry, National Research and Innovation Agency, KST BJ Habibie, South Tagerang 15314, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Munifah, Ifah (Indonesia)
Munifah, Ifah, Research Centre for Marine anf Fisheries Product Processing and Biotechnology (Indonesia)
Munifah, Ifah, Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pengolahan Produk dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan (Indonesia)
Munifah, Ifah, Research Center for Marine and Land Bioindustry, National Research and Innovation Agency
Munifah, Ifah
Munifah, Ifah, Research and Development Center for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and Biotechnology
Murdinah, Murdinah, Research and Development Center for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and Biotechnology (Indonesia)
Murdinah, Murdinah, Research and Development Center for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and Biotechnology, Jalan KS. Tubun, Petamburan VI, Slipi, Central Jakarta 10260 (Indonesia)
Murniasih, Tutik
Murniyati, Murniyati, Research and Development Center for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and Biotechnology
Murtihapsari, Murtihapsari, Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pengolahan Produk dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan (Indonesia)
Murtini, Jovita Tri

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