Pemanfaatan Limbah Cair Produksi Alkali Treated Sargassum sebagai Bahan Baku Pupuk Cair
Penelitian pemanfaatan limbah cair hasil produksi Alkali Treated Sargassum telah dilakukan dengan variasi lama waktu pemasakan Sargassum di dalam larutan KOH 0,1% pada suhu konstan 80 °C. Variasi waktu pemasakan yang diberikan 0, 120, 240 dan 360 menit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui komposisi kandungan unsur hara makro (N, P, K), Corganik, rasio C/N, dan sifat fisik (electrical conductivity, total dissolved solute, nilai kekentalan dan pH) limbah cair produksi Alkali Treated Sargassum yang diakibatkan perlakuan suhu pemasakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa limbah cair dari produksi Alkali Treated Sargassum mengandung unsur hara makro N antara 124-200,5 ppm, P 22-59 ppm; K 0,078-0,094%, Corganik, 2.000-3.550 ppm; rasio C/N antara 15-23, nilai Electrical conductivity (EC) 4,23- 5,90 mS/cm, Total Dissolved Solute (TDS) 0,21- 0,46%, nilai kekentalan 3,57-4,46 cPs dan pH 8,67-7,12. Perlakuan terbaik berdasarkan nilai tertinggi ditemukan pada perlakuan Sargassum yang dipanaskan pada suhu 80 °C selama 360 menit dalam larutan KOH 0,1% dengan nilai EC 5,9 mS/cm; TDS 0,46%; pH 7,12; nilai kekentalan 4,64 cPs; kadar N 200,6 ppm; K 0,094 ppm; Corganik 3.550 ppm dan C/N 23.
Utilization of Liquid Waste from Alkali Treated Sargassum Processing as a Raw Material for Liquid Fertilizer
Research on the utilization of liquid waste from Alkali Treated Sargassum processing was carried out by variation of cooking time of Sargassum in 0.1% KOH at constant temperature of 80 °C. Cooking time was varied 0, 120, 240 and 360 minutes. The objective of this research was to evaluate macro nutrient content (N, P, K), Corganic, C/N ratio, and physical properties (electrical conductivity, total dissolved solute, viscosity value and pH value) of the liquid waste, due to the cooking time treatment. Result of the experiment showed that liquid waste from Alkali Treated Sargassum contained 124-200.5 ppm N; 22-59 ppm P; 0,078-0.094% K, 2,000-3,550 ppm Corganic; 15-23 C/N ratio, 4.23-5.90 mS/cm Electrical conductivity (EC), 0.21-0.46% Total Dissolved Solute (TDS), 3.57-4.46 cPs viscosity value and pH 8.67-7.12. The best treatment based on the macro nutrient value and physical properties was cooking the liquid waste in hot 0.1% KOH solution at 80 °C time for 360 minutes, in which the properties of the liquid waste was 5.9 mS/cm EC value; 0.46% TDS; pH 7.12; 4.64 cPs viscocity; 200.6 ppm N content; 0.094 ppm K content; 3,550 ppm Corganic and 23 C/N ratio.
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JPBKP adalah Jurnal Ilmiah yang terindeks :
ISSN : 1907-9133(print), ISSN : 2406-9264(online)
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