Studi Laju Umpan pada Proses Biokonversi Limbah Pengolahan Tuna menggunakan Larva Hermetia illucens

Arif Rahman Hakim, Agus Prasetya, Himawan T. B. M. Petrus



Seiring dengan berkembangnya industri tuna, limbah pengolahan yang dihasilkan semakin meningkat. Namun demikian pemanfaatan limbah tersebut belum optimal. Biokonversi bahan organik limbah tuna menjadi biomassa larva sebagai bahan pakan diharapkan mampu mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Biokonversi menggunakan larva Hermetia illucens atau Black Soldier Fly (BSF) memiliki keunggulan dibandingkan proses konversi lain; di antaranya larva BSF mampu mengkonversi berbagai macam bahan organik, memiliki kandungan nutrisi tinggi serta bukan vektor penyakit. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah mempelajari laju umpan larva BSF dalam mengkonversi limbah tuna menjadi biomassa larva. Limbah tuna yang digunakan sebagai umpan larva BSF adalah kepala dan jeroan. Larva dipelihara selama 19 hari dengan pemberian umpan bervariasi (60, 80, 100 mg/larva/hari). Analisa dilakukan terhadap konsumsi umpan, indeks pengurangan limbah (waste reduction index/WRI), efisiensi konversi umpan tercerna (efficiency of conversion of digested-feed/ECD), tingkat kelulusan hidup (survival rates /SR), bobot larva, kandungan protein dan lemak larva. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kepala dan jeroan tuna dapat digunakan sebagai pakan BSF, dengan nilai SR 41,33 – 98,33%. Laju umpan yang menghasilkan proses biokonversi paling optimum adalah umpan berupa kepala tuna sebesar 60 mg/larva/hari (K60). Nilai parameter pada perlakuan K60 adalah konsumsi umpan 77,09 %, WRI 4,06 % per hari, ECD 8,32 %, bobot larva 72,59 mg dan SR 98,33 %. Limbah berupa kepala tuna menghasilkan konsumsi umpan, WRI, ECD, bobot larva dan SR yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan limbah jeroan tuna. Penggunaan limbah kepala tuna dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mereduksi limbah sekaligus menghasilkan bahan pakan yang potensial. Kandungan larva BSF dengan umpan kepala tuna 60 mg/larva/hari meliputi protein 25,38 %, lemak 6,85 % dan air 62,81 %.

Feeding Rates Study on the Bioconversion of Tuna Processing Waste using  Hermetia  illucens Larvae


Along with the rising of tuna industries, the processing waste is increasing. However, the utilization of this waste has not optimal yet. Bioconversion of organic matters from waste into larvae biomass as feed is expected to overcome the problems. Bioconversion using  Hermetia  illucens or Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae has many advantages over other conversion processes; such as the ability of BSF larvae to convert various organic materials, high nutritional content and not a disease vector. The aim of this study was to determine the optimal feed rate of BSF larvae in converting tuna waste to larvae biomass. Tuna wastes used as feed of BSF larvae were head and viscera. The larvae were cultivated for 19 days with varied feeding rates (60, 80, 100 mg/larva/day).The analyzes were performed on feed consumption, waste reduction index (WRI), efficiency of conversion of digested-feed (ECD), survival rate (SR), larvae weight, larvae protein and its fat. The results showed that head and viscera can be used as BSF feed, with SR 41.33 - 98.33%. The feeding rate that produce most optimum bioconversion process was 60 (mg/larvae/day) of tuna head (K60). The K60 treatment showed the substrate conpsumtion value of 77,09%, WRI 4,06% per day, ECD 8,32%, larvae weight 72,59 mg and SR 98,33%. Tuna head waste produced substrate consumption, WRI, ECD, larvae weight and SR higher than waste of tuna viscera. The use of tuna head waste can be utilized to reduce waste as well as to produce potential feed ingredients. The content of BSF larvae fed by 60 mg tuna head/larvae/day were 25,38% of protein, 6.85% of fat and 62,81% of moisture


Hermetia illucens; limbah pengolahan tuna; biokonversi; laju umpan

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