Karakteristik dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Sabun Padat Transparan yang Diperkaya dengan Ekstrak Kasar Karotenoid Chlorella pyrenoidosa
Sabun berfungsi membersihkan kulit, tidak merusak kulit serta mampu melindungi kulit dari efek radikal bebas. Senyawa yang mampu menangkal radikal bebas adalah antioksidan yang antara lain bersumber dari Chlorella pyrenoidosa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan dari ekstrak kasar karotenoid C. pyrenoidosa yang diformulasikan pada sabun padat transparan dan karakteristik sabun yang dihasilkan. Konsentrasi ekstrak kasar karotenoid yang digunakan adalah 5%, 10% dan 15%. Sabun padat transparan dibuat dengan metode setengah panas (semi-boiled). Evaluasi sediaan meliputi warna, kekerasan sabun, pH, kadar air, asam lemak bebas, lemak tidak tersabunkan, aktivitas antioksidan dan daya stabilitas sabun pada penyimpanan suhu 25-30 °C dan 60 °C selama 3 minggu. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa sabun padat transparan yang mengandung ekstrak kasar karotenoid sebanyak 5%, 10%, dan 15% memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dengan nilai IC50 berturut-turut sebesar 66,42 µg/ml, 59,18 µg/ml, dan 10,21 µg/ml. Sabun padat transparan dengan kandungan ekstrak kasar karotenoid sebanyak 5% berwarna kuning neon carrot, ekstrak 10% berwarna kuning pizzaz dan ekstrak 15% berwarna kuning pumpkin. Seluruh sabun beraroma lemongrass. Sabun padat transparan memiliki nilai pH sebesar 9,31-10,47, kadar air 14,45-16,28%, kekerasan sabun 1,40-1,81 mm/detik, jumlah asam lemak bebas 0,42-0,68% dan lemak tidak tersabunkan 1,79-1,84%. Berdasarkan hasil uji stabilitas, sabun tahan disimpan dalam suhu kamar selama 2 tahun, karena sabun relatif stabil pada penyimpanan suhu 60 °C selama 3 minggu.
Characteristics and Antioxidant Activity from Transparent Solid Soap
Enriched with Carotenoid Crude Extract of Chlorella pyrenoidosa
Soap was used to clean the skin but not damage the skin and able to protect skin from free radical effect. The compounds that could counteract free radical are antioxidants which can be found in Chlorella pyrenoidosa. The aims of this research were to determine the characteristic of soap and the antioxidant activity of C. pyrenoidosacarotenoids crude extract that was formulated in transparent solid soap. The carotenoid crude extract concentrations were 5%, 10%, and 15%. The transparent solid soap was made using semi-boiled methods. The transparent solid soap were evaluated for color, soap solidity, pH, water content, free fatty acid content, unsaturated fatty acid content, antioxidant activity and soap stability at 25-30 °C and 60 °C in 3 weeks storage. The study showed that transparent solid soaps containing 5%, 10% and 15% carotenoid crude extracts had antioxidant activity with IC50 value of 66.42 µg/ml, 59.18 µg/ml and 10.21 µg/ml respectively. Transparent solid soap with 5% carotenoid extract appeared in neon carrot yellow color, 10% extract appeared in pizzaz yellow color and 15% extract apperared in pumpkin yellow color. Soaps had lemongrass odor. Transparent solid soap had pH value of 9.31-10.47, water content of 14.45-16.28%, soap hardness of 1.40-1.81mm/sec, amount of free fatty acid 0.42-0.68% and unsaponified fat 1.79-1.84%. Based on the stability test results, the soap could be stored for 2 years at room temperature because the soap was relatively stable at storage temperature of 60 °C for 3 weeks.
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/jpbkp.v12i1.379
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