Pengaruh Coating Kitosan dan Minyak Atsiri Kemangi terhadap Angka Kapang dan Penerimaan Produk Katsuobushi
Penelitian ini melakukan coating kitosan dengan penambahan minyak atsiri kemangi pada konsentrasi berbeda pada katsuobushi yang kemudian disimpan selama 14 hari penyimpanan suhu ruang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan minyak atsiri kemangi pada coating kitosan dalam menjaga mutu fisik, kimia, dan mikrobiologi katsuobushi selama penyimpanan suhu ruang. Perlakuan yang dilakukan meliputi: kontrol (tanpa coating), 1% kitosan (P1), 1% kitosan dan 1% minyak atsiri (P2), 1% kitosan dan 1,5% minyak atsiri (P3), dan 1% kitosan dengan 2% minyak atsiri (P4). Hasil analisis ANOVA angka kapang, Angka Lempeng Total (ALT), parameter kimiawi produk seperti kadar air, protein, dan lemak, hingga penerimaan sensori pada katsuobushi dengan coating kitosan dan minyak atsiri kemangi secara signifikan (p<0,05) lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan perlakuan kontrol dan perlakuan coating kitosan saja setelah 14 hari penyimpanan suhu ruang. Perlakuan coating 1% kitosan dan 1% minyak atsiri kemangi menunjukkan karakteristik mutu katsuobushi terbaik, dengan angka kapang sebesar 29 kol/g, ALT 3,87 log kol/g, kadar air 13,1%, kadar protein 55,13%, kadar lemak 1,81%, serta rerata penerimaan kenampakan, aroma, tekstur, dan rasa masing-masing sebesar 3,43; 3,43; 3,57; dan 3,4. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penambahan minyak atsiri kemangi pada coating kitosan mampu meningkatkan efektivitas kitosan dalam menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba dan menjaga mutu katsuobushi selama penyimpanan suhu ruang.
This study evaluates the effect of chitosan coatings by adding basil essential oil at different concentrations on the quality of katsuobushi during 14 days of storage at room temperature. This study aimed to determine the effect of adding basil essential oil to chitosan coatings in maintaining katsuobushi's physical, chemical, and microbiological quality during room temperature storage. The treatments included control (without coating), 1% chitosan (P1), 1% chitosan and 1% essential oil (P2), 1% chitosan and 1.5% essential oil (P3), and 1% chitosan with 2% essential oil (P4). The results of ANOVA analysis of mold number, total plate count (TPC), protein content, fat content, and sensory acceptance of katsuobushi with chitosan coating and basil essential oil were significantly lower (p<0.05) than the control treatment and chitosan coating treatment only after 14 days of room temperature storage. The 1% chitosan and 1% basil essential oil coating treatment showed the best quality characteristics of katsuobushi, with a mold number of 29 CFU/g, TPC of 3.87 log CFU/g, moisture content of 13.1%, 55.13% crude protein, 1.81% crude fat, and mean acceptance of appearance, aroma, texture, and taste were respectively 3.43; 3.43; 3.57; and 3.4. This study's findings indicate that adding basil essential oil to chitosan coatings can increase the effectiveness of chitosan in inhibiting microbial growth and maintaining the quality of katsuobushi during room temperature storage.
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