Optimasi Ekstraksi Fikobiliprotein Rumput Laut Gracilaria salicornia Sebagai Sumber Antioksidan Alami
Rumput laut berdasarkan pigmen warna dapat dikelompolkkan menjadi tiga yaitu chlorophyta, phaeophyta dan rhodophyta. Rumput laut Gracilaria Salicornia merupakam golongan rhodophyta yang mengandung berbagai senyawa aktif seperti pigmen dan antioksidan. Salah satu senyawa bioaktif yang berpotensi menjadi sumber antioksidan alami adalah fikobiliprotein yang terkandung pada rumput laut Gracilaria Salicornia. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah belum optimalnya proses ekstraksi fikobiliprotein yang terkandung dalam rumput laut Gracilaria Salicornia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan proses optimasi, mendapatkan formula optimum dan mendapatkan karakteristik fisikokimia hasil ekstraksi fikobiliprotein Gracilaria salicornia dengan metode Freeze Thaw menggunakan Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kondisi optimum ekstraksi diperoleh pada penambahan pelarut aquades 55,737 ml, lama freezing 172,114 menit dan lama thawing 90,120 menit. Hasil prediksi kadar fikobiliprotein berdasarkan proses optomasi sebesar 54,507 µg/ml, sedangkan hasil validasi diperoleh sebesar 49,794 µg/ml yang sesuai dengan rentang prediksi modelnya. Karakteristik ekstrak fikobiliprotein berdasarkan hasil validasi mengandung fikobiliprotein sebesar 49,794 µg/ml; kadar protein 46,67%; total fenol 465,76 µg GAE/g; aktivitas antioksidan 8,40%; warna L* (20,20), a* (-1,93), b* (6,71).
Seaweed based on color pigments can be grouped into three, namely chlorophyta, phaeophyta and rhodophyta. Gracilaria Salicornia seaweed is a group of rhodophyta that contains various active compounds such as pigments and antioxidants. One of the bioactive compounds that has the potential to be a source of natural antioxidants is phycobiliprotein contained in Gracilaria salicornia seaweed. The problem faced is the less than optimal extraction process of phycobiliprotein contained in Gracilaria salicornia seaweed. The purpose of this study was to carry out the optimization process, obtain the optimum formula and obtain the physicochemical characteristics of the extraction results of Gracilaria salicornia phycobiliprotein with the Freeze Thaw method using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The results of this study indicate that the optimum extraction conditions were obtained by adding 55.737 ml of aquadest solvent, freezing time 172.114 minutes and thawing time 90.120 minutes. The predicted results of phycobiliprotein levels based on the optimization process were 54.507 µg/ml, while the validation results were 49.794 µg/ml which was in accordance with the model prediction range. The characteristics of the phycobiliprotein extract based on the validation results contained phycobiliprotein of 49.794 µg/ml; protein content 46.67%; total phenol 465.76 µg GAE/g; antioxidant activity 8.40%; color L* (20.20), a* (-1.93), b* (6.71).
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/jpbkp.v19i2.992
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