Aplikasi Enzim Pepsin Lambung Tuna terhadap Karakteristik Protein Daging Sapi

Tati Nurhayati, Roni Nugraha, Riki Kurniawan


Pepsin dari lambung ikan tuna merupakan salah satu bentuk pemanfaatan hasil samping berupa enzim proteolitik yang dapat digunakan dalam bidang pangan. Enzim pepsin dapat diaplikasikan pada daging. Daging sapi merupakan salah satu bahan pangan dengan kandungan protein yang cukup tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan pengaruh penambahan enzim pepsin dari lambung ikan tuna sirip kuning dan perlakuan tusukan terhadap protein daging sapi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode rancangan acak lengkap faktorial (RALF) dengan dua faktor yaitu konsentrasi enzim (0, 14.000, dan 28.000 U/mg) dan faktor tusukan (dengan tusukan dan tanpa tusukan). Kombinasi penambahan enzim dan perlakuan tusukan memengaruhi proporsi protein daging. Penambahan pepsin dengan aktivitas 14.000 U/mg dengan tusukan menghasilkan total protein daging terlarut sebesar 19,03 ± 0,64 mg/g, kandungan protein sarkoplasma daging terlarut 15,16 mg/g, protein sarkoplasma 9,09 mg/g dan protein myofibril sebesar 23,51 mg/g. Penambahan enzim pepsin dan perlakuan tusukan memengaruhi kadar sarkoplasma dan profil protein. Enzim pepsin dan tusukan pada daging memengaruhi kelarutan protein miofibril, tetapi tidak mengurangi kadar protein miofibril.



Tuna gastric pepsin is a fishery by-product waste in the form of proteolytic enzymes that can be used in the food segment. The pepsin enzyme can be applied to meat. Beef is a food source of high protein. This study aimed to determine the effect of adding the pepsin enzyme from yellowfin tuna stomach and stabbing treatment to beef protein. This study used a completely randomized factorial design with two factors, namely enzyme concentration (0, 14.000, and 28.000 U/mg) and stabbing factor (with and without stabbing). The combination of enzyme addition and stabbing treatment affects the protein proportion of the meat. The addition of pepsin 14.000 U/mg with stabbing showed results with a total protein solubility value of meat was 19,32 mg/g, sarcoplasmic protein solubility of meat was 15,16 mg/g, sarcoplasmic protein content was 9,09 mg/g, and myofibril protein content was 23,51 mg/g. The treatment with the addition of pepsin enzyme and stabbing affected the sarcoplasmic levels and protein profile. Enzyme treatment and stabbing affected myofibril protein solubility, but did not reduce myofibril protein levels.


enzim pepsin; miofibril; protein terlarut; sarkoplasma


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/jpbkp.v19i1.981

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